Three hours.
What does three hours mean to you?
Before becoming a mother, three hours didn’t mean much. It could’ve meant an ordinary morning at the office, a dinner and few drinks with girlfriends at a hip LA restaurant or even a late night karaoke session somewhere in Koreatown. Most of the time, three hours flew by and I rarely gave second thought about its importance or value.
These days three hours can mean a lot. In three hours, I can go to the gym, do grocery shopping AND clean the home and begin a few loads of laundry. It can also mean a productive doctor’s visit for both my kids, an efficient writing/editing session or a flight to Seattle to visit my parents.
This afternoon I got to spend three whole hours in Downtown Seattle all by myself sans kids. It was the most freeing, relaxing and therapeutic three hours I spent in a long time. For those of you without kids, you might wonder what the big deal is, but full-time mothers and fathers will understand how amazing a single afternoon can feel without demands, requests or little ones to constantly look out for.
So today I spent a therapeutic afternoon alone with a camera in hand, and here are a few places I visited.
Downtown Seattle
Public Market Sign right across from the First Starbucks
The most appealing thing about travel for me, is exploring new places in a sea of strange faces. There’s just something so exciting and enticing about exploring uncharted territories, not knowing what awaits you when you turn that corner or walk into that store.
Walking around unfamiliar one-way downtown streets, feeling the cool ocean breeze against my skin, alone, while knowing my kids are safe somewhere is such a comforting feeling that only parents can understand, isn’t it?
The best part- no running frantically to the bathroom while the child is yelling pee, pee, pee! or worrying about getting lost because all I have to do is, wait, find or make another turn.
(I almost forgot- life once used to be this simple.)
The Pink Door
Follow The Pink Door sign
Inside The Pink Door
The Original Starbucks is probably the most sought after destination on Pike Place but for me, The Pink Door is. This hidden gem is just a few steps away from the Pike Place Starbucks and I absolutely love this restaurant. The food is delicious, ambiance is authentic and the view from the patio is definitely worth seeing. It’s not your usual overpriced and overly fancy Italian joint, it’s simply a place with good food, good ambiance, and good Seattle vibe.
Tiny table in the corner on second floor patio
I ordered my usual Pescatore, a glass of pinot griggio and enjoyed my lunch in silence and peace while overlooking the Seattle coast. As a busy mother of two, a solitary lunch is pure luxury and yes- silence is golden.
Left Bank Books Collective
A picture of my muse, Virginia Woolf sits high
Left Bank Books Collective is a bookstore for the ultra leftist located right at the entrance to Pike Place. You can find many radical and leftist books here and the bookstore is small and charming with a cozy reading nook. Personally I find the book selection to be too leftist, but one can never underestimate the value of democracy, revolutionary thoughts and freedom of speech.
For the first time I got to browse through their book selection and actually skim through a few engaging books without kids tugging at my pants. Another treat for a book worm like myself.
After lunch I could’ve indulged in the famous Ellenos Real Greek Yogurt and walked closer to the coast but kids began to Facetime wondering where I am. Even another glass of Pinot grigio would’ve been nice but like a responsible parent, I headed back to my parents house to two unhappy daughters- one who called me a traitor and another who threw an hour-long tantrum upon my arrival. Nice.
Three hours alone and I’m suddenly a traitor but that’s okay- it was three hours well spent and much deserved.
How are you spending your three hours? I hope it’s mindful and restful wherever you are. If it’s not, hang in there mommas. It’s Friday!
Black & white mirror selfie before heading back home.
So our spring break in Seattle continues….
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