
Non Toy Gift Ideas

The celebration of holidays like birthdays and Christmas often becomes centered around gifts. It’s usually what kids most look forward to, and as parents we may even join in on that excitement. Have you noticed that after the first few days, or even hours, of receiving a gift your child may lose interest and move onto their next favorite toy? After awhile, it feels like toys just start to pile up and create even more mess and clutter in the home.

As a mom, more clutter is the last thing I want to deal with. So, I thought it would be refreshing to share some non toy gift items that are still perfect gift ideas. The best part about these gifts is that they are fun and useful.


Non Toy Gift Ideas

Craft Supplies

Kids love craft supplies at any age. Items used for art projects make for a great gift because they encourage engagement, creativity, and can be enjoyed independently or with a friend or family member. Some ideas for craft supplies are modeling clay, glitter pens, finger paint, markers, colored pencils, and construction paper. Setting up a special “craft corner” for your child to keep their supplies in can be a way to add an extra special touch.

Piggy Bank

I love giving kids gifts that also teach important life skills. A piggy bank is a fun way to show your child the value of saving money. There are so many adorable piggy bank options for all age groups. Some piggy banks even have an electronic code and lock that kids can set themselves! This would also be a good time to talk about how they can earn money, such as chores or a first job depending on how old they are.

Sleeping Bag

Do you remember having sleeping bags as a child? They were so fun to take to sleepovers, camping, or other special occasions. I love the idea of gifting a sleeping bag and then setting up an at-home camp out in the living room or backyard! Fun additions to this non toy gift would be a smores kit and a small tent.


If your child has a tablet, phone, or computer, headphones are a good non toy gift option. Headphones are so useful for travel in the car or airplane, and make kids feel a little more grown up. They are also a special gift if you have a child who is a music lover. 

Alarm Clock

An alarm clock is another good gift to give to build responsibility and independence. Alarm clocks these days do a lot more than just wake you up. Many of them include features like white noise, music, and a nightlight. Let’s not forget that having an alarm clock will help mom or dad in the mornings as well! 

Photo Album

With all the technology that we have, photos aren’t being printed as much as they used to be. Most of us store them on our phones, but I think there’s something special about having printed photos as something to look back on and be reminded of memories. Photo albums are a unique non toy gift that can be used in several different ways. 

You could fill the photo album with pictures of your child and their friends/family. Another option is only putting a few photos in the album, and letting your child fill it up with new memories over the years. If you don’t want to print pictures, there are digital photo albums too.

Travel Essentials

If your family enjoys going on trips, consider gifting essentials for travel. A kids suitcase, neck pillow, or eye mask would be a super fun gift. 

Self-Care Items 

I believe self-care is important for both kids and adults, so why not give gifts that encourage time for relaxation? Some ideas are bubble bath, bath bombs, face masks, lotion, bathrobes, and slippers.

Subscription Box

In the past couple of years, subscription boxes for kids have become very popular. They are a great alternative to toys and usually provide some sort of educational and/or creative element. 

Many of these boxes are run by parents, so when you purchase them you are often supporting a small business. Here are some that have come recommended:


Giving the gift of experiences is sometimes the most memorable non toy gift you can give. It’s a good way to plan quality time together, which is really what our kids are craving the most. Some ticket ideas are movie tickets, tickets to a play or sporting event, tickets to an amusement park, or plane tickets for a getaway! 

Coupon Book 

There are certain gifts that can’t be wrapped. A coupon book can be used as a way to promise events for the future. This could be in the form of quality time with you, going somewhere special, or doing something with a friend. Some specific ideas of things to include in your coupon book are:

  • having a tea party
  • going out for ice creams
  • building a fort together
  • picking out a new book at the book store
  • having a soda at dinner
  • going on a scavenger hunt
  • making cookies
  • walking to the park

Other non toy gift ideas are clothing items, books, and educational resources. Do you have a favorite non toy gift idea? Tell me about it in the comments! If you are getting ready for the holidays and need stocking stuffer ideas, check out this post. It contains a list of clean and safe stocking stuffers for the whole family, including pets!

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