
How I Use Mustela Products For Baby’s Dry Skin


This post is sponsored by Mustela

What’s your favorite baby essential? One of mine is Mustela baby products. I’ve been using this brand since my first baby was born, almost 12 years ago. At the time I only knew about their lotion and newborn shampoo, which I loved for its lasting soft fragrance and hypo-allergenic ingredients.

Over time I’ve used many baby products from Johnson and Johnson, Aveeno, Honest, California Baby, Baby Mantra and Noodle and Boo. I’m personally not a big fan of the cheaper Johnson and Johnson and Aveeno lines. I do like California Baby Calendula cream and Honest Company’s belly and nipple balms. I make my rounds but one brand I always keep coming back to is Mustela because I can’t get enough of its fragrance and gentleness. I love it so much that I used it on my daughters until they outgrew the baby stage.

Fast forward two children, Mustela is now fully stocked with these amazing baby essentials such as:

  • Cleaning foam
  • Massage oil
  • Diaper cream
  • Musti baby spray
  • Cleansing water
  • Hydra stick
  • Baby wipes (Both scented and non-scented)
  • Healing balm
  • Stelatria line


I know there are many non-scented natural options out there but it’s hard for me to give up the fresh baby scent. If you’re a mother you would know that there is no greater feeling than smelling your babe’s hair and skin throughout the day. It’s been proven that such sensory bonding can even prevent postpartum depression for mothers!

I love Mustela because all its products are hypo-allergenic. This means they don’t contain irritants and are specially formulated to minimize allergic reactions. None of my three children has shown sensitivity to Mustela products, which makes me trust its gentleness.


My son has dry skin and minor eczema and needs to be moisturized often, at least 2-3 times a day. Here is how I use Mustela products to keep dryness away from his sensitive skin.

Mustela-for-dry-skin-baby1. Hydra Stick for dry spots

I like to use this hydra stick on dry spots of his body like his arms and legs. It also works well on his cheeks. It’s easier than lotion and cream because it glides right on like deodorant. It’s also perfectly sized to fit into a purse or diaper bag.

2. Musti baby spray in between baths

I don’t use any fragrance on myself anymore because of the baby. But I do love using this spray on him in between baths because I wash him every other day. I find that washing him daily irritates his skin and dries him out. Even a little goes a long way and keeps him smelling fresh.

3. Massage oil after bath time

I like to use the massage oil all over his body after a bath. Massage is great for bonding for both mom and the baby. It makes him smell so good and puts him to sleep shortly after, every time!

4. Cleansing water on stinky bottom

This is another favorite product of mine and I use it daily. It’s perfect to keep his bottom clean throughout the day after diaper blow outs or when it just feels dirty. I pump a little onto a cotton ball and rub it all over his diaper area.

5. Diaper cream for rash prevention

I love the Mustela diaper cream! I don’t use this daily but whenever I find him slightly red and irritated. He has never gotten diaper rashes since he was born, thanks to this cream.

6. Stelatria cream for irritated skin


I’ve been using this Stelatria cream for my son’s irritated skin. He’s teething and drooling a lot so he gets rashes and irritated skin right under his neck. I use this once to twice a day and I see an immediate improvement the day after, except it’s still hard to keep the folds of his neck completely dry. This product has very light fragrance, not as scented as their original line.


Overall, I’m a huge fan of Mustela baby products for its fresh baby scent and hypo-allergenic and natural ingredients. I’ve used Mustela products on all three of my children and none of them has shown sensitivity to this brand. I also love that the fragrance is lasting and not overpowering, and that there’s such a wide variety of products specifically formulated for baby skincare.

What brand do you use for your baby? Have you used Mustela products? Please share your thoughts and comments below.

Thank you Mustela for sponsoring this post. I was provided these products in exchange of a honest review. As always all photos and opinions are my own. 


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27 thoughts on “How I Use Mustela Products For Baby’s Dry Skin

  1. I have never heard of this brand. We use Bert’s Bees and Honest products. The Hydra Stick sounds like something we could use in the winter.

  2. We used the Mustela cradle cap foam shampoo when my daughter was a newborn/infant. It worked so well! She had the least cradle cap issues out of my 3 kids.

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