
How To Make Technology Work Better For Your Kids With Google

This post is sponsored by Google. As always, all opinions are my own.

How can parents better guide their children in this new era of technology and virtual learning?

With 4 kids all learning from home, it can be hard to manage how each of them uses technology. My school aged children are spending more time online than ever, taking virtual classes and socializing with friends online. The family’s screen time has definitely increased. And while it’s not ideal, I know it’s something we have to navigate through responsibly as a family.

How To Use Google Families For Kids

Google understands that parenting today involves raising the first generation of kids who are growing up with technology all around them- at school, at home, and in their pockets. Even my 15 months old baby is already showing interest in screens. And I wonder how different her world will be, even compared to her Gen-Z sisters.

How To Use Google Families

As parents who didn’t grow up with the same technology that’s now available to our kids, it can be hard to know where and how to begin these complex yet necessary conversations and practices.

The Google Families Hub

Thanks to Google, parents now have a free, comprehensive guide that helps them navigate various topics regarding internet safety, well being and valuable tech resources. 

The New Google Families Site

Google Families Hub five key topic areas

The New Google Families site is centered around five key topic areas. 

  1. popular tech, which teaches parents about the apps and contents their kids are into. And what they should know about them so they can begin the “tech talk.”
  2. parental control which helps parents to set digital ground rules 
  3. online safety and wellbeing, which helps parents to help their kids build healthy habits and stay safe online
  4. family fun, which helps families experience new things together by exploring the world, learning to code, tapping into artistic passions and finding quality apps.
  5. classroom tools, which teaches parents about the tools their kids can use to learn at home and in the classroom so they can help the kids succeed.

Even better, the content within each topic area comes from not only Google’s own trusted products, but also in partnership with other trusted organizations like Common Sense Media, Sesame Street, PBS KIDS, Headspace, Family Online Safety Institute and more.

Google also teamed up with Headspace to create new video content to help families find balance and happiness in this new era of increased screen time. The content is compiled together in the “Headspace Breathers” series and consists of seven episodes which you can find here.

tips and resources from Google Families

I recently had a conversation with my teen daughter about setting healthy boundaries around social media, using the tips and resources from Google.

Some healthy habits include not interacting with strangers online, limiting phone use and coming to me with any questions and concerns while using social media.

Google Family Friendly Products

I also plan to begin the tech talk early with my 4 year old son because he’s already starting to show interest in apps for kids. Google’s Family Friendly Products such as their Be Internet Awesome program, Google Kids Space (a curated tablet experience for kids) and YouTube Kids also helps us set healthy boundaries around his screen time and introduce him to quality content that is not only fun but educational.

Google Families review

Have you had the tech talk with your kids yet? It’s never too early to begin and using Google’s new resources for families, you will be equipped with all the tools, resources and information needed to keep your family safe online and make technology work for you and your family. 

What do you think about Google Families? Leave your thoughts and comments below! 


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