
Ep 5: Building Resilience and Finding Joy with Wellness Coach Rachel Rhee

Building Resilience and Finding Joy with Rachel Rhee

Ep 5: Building Resilience and Finding Joy with Wellness Coach Rachel Rhee

Can you think of a woman in your life who inspires you with everything she does? That’s how I feel about today’s guest, Rachel Rhee. Rachel is a wellness coach, creator of The Dimple Life. An online guide to healthier living. And the founder of You Are Here. A digital community that provides a supportive space for women to get the resources they need to feel well.

As a cancer survivor, Rachel’s mission is to help women educate themselves on the importance of living well – mind, body, and soul. She is a community builder and creates wellness experiences around Los Angeles to continue to open up conversations around fertility, hormones, self-care. And other areas that affect women today.

Rachel joins us on the podcast to share how she went from living a high-stress corporate lifestyle. To leading a life filled with more purpose and passion. She tells us all about her decision to freeze her eggs. And what that process looks like, along her experience with cancer. She is a strong and brave woman who I absolutely love learning from. And I know you will as well.

Rachel and I also discuss:

  • The power in asking for help
  • Tips on making positive changes in your life
  • The importance of allowing yourself to be vulnerable

Rachel’s Resources:

Listen to the previous episode: Raising A Special Needs Child: My Story & Tips

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