
DIY Valentine’s Day Pretzel Treats

Hi everyone! Today I want to share with you how to make these easy, bake-free DIY pretzel treats that can be used for Valentine’s Day, birthdays, baby shower/bridal shower favors and classroom treats. I’ve been making these for my daughters’ classrooms for a few years now and it remains a favorite for the following reasons:

  • It’s easy and bake-free
  • It’s difficult to mess up
  • It looks really cute and gourmet when packaged 
  • Everyone loves the taste
  • It’s a great alternative to candy

DIY Valentine's Day Pretzel Treats

DIY Valentine’s Day Pretzel Treats

If you have the time and energy to make your own favors, give these pretzel treats a try. It’s very simple and easy to make with no baking required. The best part? You can use various color combinations for different occasions.  For example, try red, green and white for Christmas, Green and yellow for St. Patrick’s Day and Pink, white and red for Valentine’s Day like I did for this post.

Here are the easy-to-follow instructions:

DIY Valentine's Day Pretzel Treats
Snyders’s pretzels work really well for these treats. Use two sizes for variation.

Step 1: Gather ingredients

1. Pretzels (I like to use these Snyder ones that can be found at any grocery store.)

2. Candy Melt in color of your choice (I like to use 2-3 colors)

3. Sprinkles in various shapes and sizes (Can be found at Michaels or any grocery store)

4. Few microwaveable bowls (depending on how many colors you’re using)

5. Cookie sheet and parchment paper for drying

6. Clear bag and tie or ribbon for wrapping

candy melt
Candy melt and sprinkles can be found at any craft store like Michael’s and most grocery stores

Step 2: Melt candy melt in the microwave

Follow the instructions on the back of your bag. Depending on your microwave, time may vary. I like to put the microwave in defrost mode and set the timer for 1 minute, stir, then another 30 seconds. Continue to use 10-20 second increments until you get the right consistency. Don’t over melt because the candy melt will become too runny.

valentine's pretzels

Step 3: Dip pretzels into candy melt

valentine's pretzelsStep 4: Pour sprinkles over wet candy melt

I like to do this over a large bowl so I can re-use the sprinkles.

Step 5:  Carefully place it on parchment paper on cookie sheet.

Or you can use any wipeable flat surface.

Step 6: Let it dry for about one hour.

Or you can place in refrigerator for faster drying.

DIY pretzels
DIY Valentine's Day Pretzel Treats

Step 7: When dry, wrap in clear bag with tie or pretty ribbon

DIY pretzels

That’s it! Then pass out as classroom treats, birthday + shower favors and more.

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DIY Valentine's Day Pretzel Treats

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17 thoughts on “DIY Valentine’s Day Pretzel Treats

  1. I had no idea how simple these delicious treats are to make. What a wonderful gift idea for any holiday or special occasion! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Chocolate covered pretzels are so yummy!! I haven’t made them in such a long time. I love how easy they are to make. I might have to get my toddler to help me, he would love putting on the sprinkles.

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