Baby + Kids

Cherishing Every Moment Of Babyhood

*This post is sponsored by my brand partner Dreft. As always, all opinions and stories are my own and not influenced by the brand.


Motherhood has been the most exhilarating and emotional journey of my lifetime. The moment I became a mother more than 13 years ago, my life changed so drastically that it’s difficult to even remember what life was like before motherhood. I know many mothers can relate to this feeling of coming to life through the birth of our first child. Today, I’m grateful that I got to welcome another baby into the family and that I get to use Dreft all over again with him, just like I did with his older sisters.


Dreft_babyhoodOne of my favorite baby essentials is Dreft baby detergent. I know scented baby products have gotten a bad rap over the years, but I have yet to discover a detergent that makes me feel more connected to my babies.

To me, the scent of Dreft is how I remember my kids as babies and the soft fragrance evokes so many fond and precious memories. I used Dreft with all my three children and every time I smell its soft, baby fresh scent filling the room as I unload the washer I’m immediately reminded why I do what I do — why I am a mother.


Motherhood is full of trial and error and it’s so easy to get lost in its frustrations and painful sacrifices. I even suffered from postpartum depression after the birth of my second baby because having two babies under two felt so hard and overwhelming. Yet now almost a decade and three kids later, I look back upon even the darkest days of motherhood with gratitude and joy because I’ve become stronger, more resilient and more loving thanks to those life lessons.


Truly, nothing worthwhile comes easily and every child embodies something new we must learn about ourselves and the world around us. In essence, every child mirrors back to us what we must learn and strive to become. It’s really the most beautiful and meaningful journey I’ve ever embarked on and I still learn something new every single day.

Research has shown that the indescribable smell of babyhood can evoke feelings of love, happiness and memories that can last a lifetime. Even more, a new survey has found that parents claim that the scent of Dreft actually helps them to feel more bonded with their baby. 94% of parents say that the scent of Dreft reminds them of their baby when they are apart and 87% parents agree that Dreft scent helps them to feel more connected and closer to their little one.*


Dreft SurveyResults FINAL

Over the years, Dreft’s iconic scent has become such an important part of my motherhood story that I can’t imagine using any other baby detergent. In addition to its scent making me feel more connected to my baby, Dreft is hypoallergenic and has been proven to be gentle on my baby’s skin. It has been used over and over again for all my children’s clothes without any reaction and I trust it wholeheartedly for many babies to come.


Thank you Dreft for continuing be an invaluable part of my motherhood journey and helping me to feel connected to my baby no matter where I am, no matter how much time passes.

Thank you Dreft for continuing be an invaluable part of my motherhood journey and helping me to feel connected to my baby no matter where I am, no matter how much time passes.

Thanks to baby essentials like Dreft, I’m gifted with a constant reminder of why I wake up every morning and do all the things I do for my children. Motherhood is not easy, but such simple joys make every waking moment worthwhile. It’s truly life’s most precious gift, don’t you agree?


What baby detergent are you currently using? What are your experiences with Dreft? Does it help you feel more connected to your baby? Please leave your comments below!


To learn more about Dreft, visit their website, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.


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3 thoughts on “Cherishing Every Moment Of Babyhood

  1. This is my first time hearing about this brand but I want to try something new that will help me to take care my baby’s skin from any harmful chemicals. I will definitely check this out to know more about it.

  2. I love direct! The smell always gives me all the feels! It’s amazing how a scent can take one back!

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