
Be Your Own Valentine


be-your-own-valentie_0004Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. How many times did you make a trip to the store for your children’s Valentine’s treats for the class? Are you spending hours creating something of your own like I did here? Why is it that we always seem to be doing things for others but not enough for ourselves?

How hard is it to be your own Valentine?

Well this year, I’m committed to being my own Valentine by practicing self-care and self-love. Instead of my usual second or third cup of coffee, I’m opting for a fresh green smoothie. I’m going to make healthier choices for both my body and mind so I can nourish myself with the goodness I deserve.


On this Valentine’s Day, I’m reminding myself to not neglect my body, mind and soul because ultimately loving myself is loving my family.

On this Valentine’s Day, I’m reminding myself to not neglect my body, mind and soul because ultimately loving myself is loving my family.


According to a survey conducted by the American Psychological Association,  there has been a significant increase in stress levels in the US for the first time since the survey began in 2007. It also notes that women are more likely than men to select money and family responsibilities as a significant form of stress (56% of women vs. 42% of men mention family responsibilities).

Today, and I want to remind you to #BeYourValentine this year- all year. Remember that our own self-care matters more than we think. Our children deserve the best version of us, and a tired, overworked and stressed out mother cannot give her children the best that they deserve.

Our children deserve the best version of us, and a tired, overworked and stressed out mother cannot give her children the best that they deserve.

We never overlook our children’s health, so we shouldn’t overlook our own health.

When considering the ways to incorporate self-care and self-love into our daily lives, has three tips:

  • Your Overall Health:

Maintain general health and support your immune system with vitamins and dietary supplements. Millions of Americans are at risk for vitamin deficiencies. From people with food allergies, to pregnant women, to healthy adults, to vegetarians and vegans, learn how vitamins and supplements help support overall wellness by following this link.

  • Your Skin:

Love the skin you’re in! While warm showers and baths can be a welcoming solution to long, stressful days, they can also strip the moisture in our skin during the cold winter months. For tips on taking care of dry winter skin, follow this link.

  •  Your Pain Management:

If your new exercise routine has your muscles aching, or you come down with a cold or flu, you may be reaching for an OTC pain reliever to ease your symptoms. Be confident you are reaching for the right pain reliever to treat your symptoms by following this link to a new interactive tool on the

When was the last time you truly dedicated time and energy to love yourself? Parenting is more than meeting our children’s daily needs, it’s about allowing our children to show us who we truly are- what we are truly capable of.

The best way to teach our children self-love and self-care is practicing it ourselves, all year long.


Happy Valentine’s Day friends, and don’t forget to #BeYourValentine.

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