
Probiotic + Colostrom For Healthier Baby

The following post is sponsored by iConnect & Upspring


I’m a huge fan of UpSpring products especially the Milkscreen and All-natural fenugreek. Milkscreen is a breastmilk testing strip that allows mothers to enjoy a few glasses of wine with a peace of mind and fenugreek helps with breastmilk supply. So when I came across the opportunity to try their latest product UpSpring’s Probiotic + Colostrom, I leaped at the chance.

As a mother of three, I appreciate companies like UpSpring that aims to make mothers’ life easier. UpSpring is a mom-founded and mom-run company whose mission is to empower parents with confidence and to give them the freedom to enjoy motherhood even more. With the goal of finding innovative solutions to everyday challenges of motherhood, UpSpring creates all-natural products are backed by science and solves real-life problems.


My son has been exclusively breastfed for almost 7 months. I’m now in the process of slowly weaning him from the breast so I can enjoy a little more freedom and go back to my pre-baby self. As much as I enjoy breastfeeding him, he’s getting more and more attached to my breasts and I’m having trouble leaving him even for a few hours during the day.  I’d like to slowly focus on my health and well-being by going back to the gym, re-starting retinol as part of my beauty regimen and just having the flexibility of others feeding him once in awhile. (I know pumping is an option but it’s not a process I enjoy very much.)

How to use UpSpring Probiotic

UpSpring’s Probiotic + Colostrom comes in small single use packets in flavorless powder form. You can mix it with any cool drink or food. I mix it into my baby’s solids (oatmeal and vegetable/fruit puree) and he doesn’t even know it’s in there.

I love that these packets provide him with extra probiotic to reduce occasional digestive upset like constipation, gas and diarrhea. It also provides additional immune support which makes me feel better about gradually switching from breast to formula.


Some facts about UpSpring’s Probiotic + Colostrum

  • You can find it at Target and Walgreens.
  • This product does double duty: helps reduce digestive issues and provides additional immune support.
  • Each serving contains 5 billion active cultures with 6 probiotic strains plus prebiotics (which helps beneficial bacteria flourish.)
  • Colostrom too, acts likes a prebiotic and provides a complete range of antibodies for even more immune support.

How I used the probiotic

I noticed my 7 months old son wasn’t having a bowel movement for about two days. He was eating a lot of solids twice a day (oatmeal + veggie + fruit puree) but not having a bowel movement as much as he should. I knew he was constipated and needed to clear his digestive tract. I mixed some water, prune juice and a packet of probiotic and fed it to him by spoon. He had his first bowel a few hours later then another one that night. Sorry about the TMI but they were massive diapers, the largest I’ve seen since he was born! I was impressed at how fast it had worked and felt so relieved. You mamas know how that feels. 😉

These little packets do wonders for us and I give it to him daily with his solids now.


UpSpring’s Probiotic + Colostrom offers a fast, convenient way to provide probiotic for babies and kids. No pills to swallow, no mess. You can simply add the flavorless powder to cool food or drink and protect your child’s digestive health. It’s that easy!

What do you think? Are you interested in trying UpSpring’s probiotic?


This review was made possible by iConnect and UpSpring.  I was provided compensation to facilitate this post, but all opinions stated are 100% mine.

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8 thoughts on “Probiotic + Colostrom For Healthier Baby

  1. I am a true believer of probiotics and the benefits for babies. We don’t use this brand now but after learning about it I will get it as soon as our current supply runs out!

  2. This sounds like a really great product! I wish there was something like this when my first was a baby (she’s now 6). She had horrible constipation problems when we transitioned her to solids. It was awful watching her suffer. Glad you found something to work for your little man!

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