
Naptime With Nested Bean: Zen Swaddle Review

Baby D is almost two months old now, where did the time go? If you follow me on Instagram, you would know that I’ve been slowly transitioning back to normal pre-pregnancy life. I got an OK from the doctor to begin light exercise, which I plan to do from next week or so. I’m trying to be more flexible and listen to my mind and body and so far it has worked wonders in keeping my spirits up despite the sleep deprivation. I even reached a few postpartum milestones such as wearing jeans (yay!) and getting fresh after-baby hair color (double yay!).

Now that the initial high of motherhood has passed (don’t get me wrong, I love this little boy so much that my heart hurts), I’m trying to settle into a routine with my baby boy. My goal these days is to keep him asleep for at least 3-4 hours at a time and to help him fall asleep more easily without fussing as much.

Traditional swaddle blankets

We are very familiar with swaddling and have swaddled both of our daughters with success. The only downside to it was that traditional swaddling blankets would come loose, sometimes covering their faces and simply keeping them from staying asleep throughout the night. When the baby fusses or cries without being able to sleep and stay asleep, it’s because his hands come loose and he scares himself with sudden movements.

I’ve been using Nested Bean’s Zen Swaddle for about two weeks now and I’ve fallen in love with this product. I mean, IN LOVE. It has become our go-to baby gear that’s used all the time.

The Zen Swaddle is soft, lightweight, easy-to-use and keeps my baby sleeping longer during nap time and at night time. He not only sleeps longer but can fall back asleep more easily when he becomes startled with noise or movement.

Pros of Zen Swaddle Blanket


Here are some pros I found:

  • Easier to use than traditional swaddle blankets
  • Soft, machine washable 100% cotton
  • Velcro is easy to use
  • Can use for up to 6 months
  • Cute designs
  • It REALLY works for my baby D

The Zen Swaddle Blanket is a great solution for parents who swaddle their babies for comfort. It uses the benefits of swaddling and touch with its built in small pockets of poly-beads that are strategically placed around the blanket. If you’d like to read the benefits of swaddling, you can do so here.



When the baby is swaddled the beads provide gentle pressure that mimics your touch and provides relief. The blanket also includes a leg pouch for an especially snug fit during the baby’s first weeks to reduce colic. I didn’t use this blanket during Baby D’s first few weeks so I don’t know how effective it is during that time, but I can see how this can help even newborns.

You can even use this swaddle blanket with arms out, although my baby prefers arms in like this.


My husband is the official swaddler for our kids and he loves this swaddle blanket. He now looks for it all the time, which speaks volumes of this product. It really works. Too bad we only have one, because when it’s in the washer we have to go back to using traditional blankets.

Baby D has gone from sleeping 2-3 hours at a time to 4 hours. With this blanket, it’s also easier for him to soothe himself back to sleep when he wakes up before he is ready due to sudden noise or movement. In a house full of two older sisters and three dogs, this is much appreciated.

In essence, this Zen Swaddle can be a lifesaver for sleep deprived parents because let’s face it, the value of even one or two more hours of sleep during these early months is monumental.

So what do you think? Would you be interested in using Nested Bean’s Zen Swaddle for your baby?



Thank you for reading and I will review the Zen Sleep Sack next when Baby D is ready to use it!

Thank you Nested Bean for sponsoring this post and helping with Baby D’s sleep patterns. All opinions and photos are my own and in no way influenced by the brand.
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3 thoughts on “Naptime With Nested Bean: Zen Swaddle Review

  1. How long did it take for you to see the benefits of the zen swaddle? My baby used also 2 months old and we get sleep in 45-90 MINUte segments with THe occasional 2-3 hour sesh a few times per week. Interested in the zen but i don’t know if i want to put her through a long transition only for it to fail.

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