
Rumi’s 2nd Rainbow Sunshine Birthday 

Rainbow Sunshine birthday party
Play tent by EE Play Tents & Custom name sign by Letters To You

How to plan a Sunshine & rainbow theme birthday party for kids

How to plan a Sunshine & rainbow theme birthday party for kids

I can’t believe my little sunshine baby is already 2 years old! It seems like just yesterday that she was born. Last year due to the pandemic, we celebrated Rumi’s first birthday at home with our close family and friends. Here we are again a year later, still in the midst of a pandemic. However, we won’t let that stop us from celebrating! 

Rainbow Sunshine Birthday Party for kids
2nd birthday theme ideas
Custom Name sign by Letters To You

1. Decide on a theme that resonate with you

Rainbow birthday meaning

We decided to plan a small rainbow birthday party in our front yard for Rumi. It’s really easy to set up and here is how we pulled it together in just 4 easy steps:

This part was easy for me, because ever since I was pregnant with Rumi, she always made me think of the color yellow. She also symbolizes a ray of sunshine after the rain to me, so we came up with the theme Rumi’s Rainbow Sunshine Birthday. I would suggest picking a theme that reminds you of your child!

sunshine birthday theme for kids
Birthday theme ideas for kids

2. Gather materials that will support your theme

Rainbow birthday party supplies

Here is everything you need for a Sunshine themed birthday party.

Picnic Table

If you already have one at home, that’s great! I didn’t have one, so I found this easy folding camping table on Amazon. You can cover the table with linen or leave bare, if that fits your theme better. I used two of these side by side and decide to use it for many more picnics and birthday parties!

Table Runner

Even though our theme was yellow, I wanted to infuse colors that I really liked as well. So, I used this lavender table runner on the base, so it wouldn’t overpower the yellow elements I would be adding to the top. 

Play Tent

We love this handmade play tent from E&E. The details and design are beautiful.

Party Sign

We had our Rumi sign custom made from our friends at Letters to You. I asked for a sun illustration around her name so we can stick to our theme. 

Party theme accents

I knew this daisy shaped floor pillow would be the perfect accent to our little picnic. 

Cake Topper

A simple cake topper from Amazon.


Did you know that fiberfill makes the perfect clouds? I had no idea how easy it was! I also added in my own DIY sun sticks into the clouds to stay on theme. These were very easy to make, by cutting out sun shapes on construction paper and gluing them onto toothpicks. 

Yellow Plates & Yellow Milk Jugs

I love adding in color 

Sunshine and rainbow birthday party florals

On the morning of Rumi’s birthday, I went to our local flower mart and selected a few flowers that matched our yellow theme. I suggest doing this if you don’t want to spend too much money on an arrangement. 

Rainbow Sunshine Birthday cake and desserts
Cake and desserts by M Cakes Sweets
rainbow and sun cookies
Cake and desserts by M Cakes Sweets

3. Baked goods & cakes

Rainbow birthday cake

2nd birthday party cake

We had our cake and cookies made by M Cakes Sweets and they were not only delicious but so beautiful! We had some cookies that had Rumi’s name along with hand painted flowers, sunshine cookies, along with rainbow cookies to signify the rainbow after a storm. Not to mention, the ombre yellow cake that was the star of our table! 

4. Choose an outfit that matches or complements the theme

Pastel rainbow birthday outfit and decorations

daisy outfit for toddlers
Green daisy dress from Amazon
Daisy lace dress outfit Amazon

I love that Amazon has everything that I need! I hardly have time to go out and shop anymore, so being able to receive things a couple days later is a godsend. For Rumi’s sunshine outfit, I wanted her to stand out and be different from everything on the table, so I found this Green Daisy lace dress for her to wear. I paired it with her Mary Jane’s that she loves and wears all the time! 

Her hat and cardigan are both from Zara during past seasons.

Intimate birthday party for kids

Even though our birthday for Rumi this year was small in size, we are so thankful to have intimate moments like this with our baby. Planning this birthday party for her made me appreciate the small pockets of joy even more. I can’t wait to host a birthday party for her and friends in the future!

Backyard birthday party theme ideas

You can see first birthday smash cake ideas here and how we transformed our backyard to a beautiful flower garden party here.

Check out my Amazon store front for more party planning ideas!

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