
Building A Minimalist Baby Registry

I received some of these products compliments of the brand. All thoughts and opinions are my own. 

Building A Minimalist Baby Registry

Creating a baby registry is one of the most overwhelming things that you will experience as soon-to-be new parents. You may have looked at a friend or loved one’s baby registry and seen literally hundreds of items on it. And you may feel like you need to do the same. You don’t.  I am going to give you tips on how it is possible to create a minimalist baby registry. 

If you are expecting a baby, prepare for your life to change in the most amazing way. You’ll also need to get prepared by registering for essential baby items. It’s incredible how many products there are for babies in today’s world. All of these items can quickly make your house feel so much smaller.

Don’t let the commercials and social media posts trick you into thinking you need all the baby gear. Filtering out what you truly need, and what will just end up wasting space, is the first step in creating a simple checklist for a minimalist baby registry. 

Building A Minimalist Baby Registry

Essentials for a Minimalist Baby Registry


Keep in mind that a minimalist baby registry may not be perfect for any one stage. It will have some limitations. However, the greatest advantage to a minimalist baby registry is that many of these items will last you from birth through age four or have a multi-functional use. 

1. Bassinet + lounger 

Bassinet + lounger 

I highly recommend the DockATot in lieu of a traditional bassinet. If you are a family who will not have a nursery with a crib, the DockATot can be used instead! If you aren’t familiar with the DockATot, it is a multi-functional lounger and co-sleeper. It is handmade in Europe, all natural, 100% cotton, and tested for breathability.

What I love about the DockATot is that it can be used anywhere, making it ideal for travel. The covers are also washable, which is a major bonus for any type of baby gear.

You can get 10% a DockATot by using the code MOMMYDIARY10 here.

2. Baby wrap

Baby wrap

A baby wrap is a must for a minimalist baby registry. They are so versatile, light and easy to travel with, and can be used long-term. Most can even be used on babies up to 35 pounds!

My two favorite slings are Nalakai and Wild Bird Ring Sling. Wild Bird ring slings are made by independent seamstresses, most of whom are mothers. They are super breathable, which is great for those hot summer days. These slings are so soft and offer a lot of support. I love that these slings come in various colors and styles, both solid and patterns. Wild Bird ring slings have super cute fabrics and Nalaki ring slings have a pocket which I love! 

3. Stroller


A stroller is a huge part of any baby registry. For a minimalist baby registry, the key is choosing a stroller that can be used from birth to age four. Ideally, you also want your stroller to be compact when folded up. 

I use the UPPABaby Cruz V2 This is perfect because it is a compact full size stroller, which makes it just the right size. It can be used with an infant seat, and even has a bassinet. Another plus is that it has a generously-sized basket, making it great for running errands. In addition, this stroller has a reversible seat, so your toddler can ride forward or backward.

4. Monitor

For a minimalist baby registry, you want a monitor that is light-weight, doesn’t take up much space, and can be easy to travel with. You also want a monitor that is well-made and will last you several years. 

The Infant Optics Baby Monitor checks all those boxes. It is light-weight and portable. It’s small enough to fit the monitor inside your pocket, but still has important camera features such as pan, tilt, and zoom. 

5. Car Seat

Similar to a stroller, for a minimalist baby registry you want a car seat that will last you several stages of your child’s life. You’ll want to skip the infant-only seat and opt for a car seat like the Graco 4ever 4 in 1 car seat. 

The Graco 4ever allows you to have a baby rear facing from 4-40 pounds and forward facing from 22-65 pounds. It even transforms to a booster seat for children up to 120 pounds! It is truly the only car seat that you’ll ever need to buy. It’s also extremely safe and highly rated.

6. Diaper Bag 

You may have friends or family who have multiple diaper bags. For a minimalist baby registry, just choose one. I am a huge fan of backpack style diaper bags. It is easier on your back and shoulders and perfect for travel. 

I love our Honest backpack diaper bag. There are a few color options, all of which are gender neutral. Your husband will even feel comfortable wearing it!

7. Swing

baby Swing

A swing may be an item that some consider to not be an “essential”. However, I think it’s a good idea to invest in a baby swing. They can be extremely calming for fussy babies, and be a safe place to put your baby when you need a few minutes to blow dry your hair or cook.

With my newest baby, I tried the mamaRoo swing by 4Moms. I am loving it and so is Baby Gia. I’ve decided it’s the perfect choice for a minimalist baby registry for several reasons.

First, it has a sleek design that doesn’t take up nearly as much space as other traditional swings. Its movements are also different than most baby swings and has 5 unique motions and speeds. Not every baby likes the same movement and one stage might be different than the next, which makes this the perfect multi-functional swing that can last through multiple babies. 

8. Breast Pump

The Elvie breast pump has made my life so much easier, and is the perfect pump for a minimalist baby registry.  Gone are the days where you have to be confined to a chair while your pump is plugged in. This pump has so many features, the best of which is that you can literally wear it inside of your bra and go anywhere, do anything, all while pumping.

Just don’t forget to charge the pump regularly as the battery doesn’t last too long and if you have an oversupply, this may not be the best pump for you because suction isn’t as strong as traditional pumps.

9. Bottles

If you are pumping, you’ll need bottles on your minimalist baby registry. These Comotomo bottles are my favorite for breastfed babies. I also like that there aren’t a million parts to wash after use. 

For a minimalist baby registry, choose the large size bottles (8 oz) to get the most use out of them. 

10. Diaper Pail

Diaper Pail

The Ubbi diaper pail is the best choice for a minimalist baby registry. The greatest quality of the Ubbi pail is that they do not require special liners. You can use your regular trash bags. This will save you money and is one less thing to store in your baby’s nursery.

Rather than plastic, the Ubbi is made of steel, which is long lasting and truly locks in any odors. 

11. Towels

All you need are a few towels that you can wash as needed. This Pottery Barn Kids set includes a bath towel, hand towel, and wash cloth. These are well made and will last you from sweet newborn baths to toddler-aged baths. 

12. Baby Swaddle Blankets

Choosing a couple baby swaddle blankets will make for smart additions to your minimalist baby registry. Aiden and Anais is always a favorite of mine. You can’t beat their pretty patterns and color options and super soft material.

Purchasing swaddle blankets rather than velcro swaddles means you can use them as nursing covers, carseat covers and lightweight everyday blankets. 

13. Baby Basics 

Everyone loves baby clothes, and I know I’ve been guilty of hoarding way too many baby clothes. The truth is, investing in a few baby basics is the smart decision for a minimalist baby registry. 

Registering for clothing items such as onesies, leggings, and bodysuits will allow for layering and multi-season use.

Skip the newborn size clothes, and start at size 3 month. 

How To Build A Minimalist Baby Registry

I cannot tell you how many things I put on my first baby registry and either never used it, or only used it once or twice. Here are some words of advice on how to build a minimalist baby registry.

1. Borrowing

Do you have a sibling or a friend who has children? Chances are you know someone who has bins and bins full of baby gear and baby clothing in their basement or attic. They would probably love for you to borrow their items for a short period of time. That’s the thing, it truly is a very short period of time.

As cliche as it is, your baby will outgrow clothing and gadgets so quickly. If this person is planning to have more children, just promise to take good care of their things and return them as needed. 

2. Reusing

Similar to my statement above, even if you do not have any other children, I’m sure you know someone who does. A friend or loved one may be thrilled to give away their baby gear in order to make more space in their home. Most baby items are only used for a short time, so they’re most likely in excellent condition.

If you have other children, save their baby items and reuse them for your next baby! Not only is it better for your bank account, but it’s better for the environment. 

3. Think past the newborn phase

While choosing items for your minimalist baby registry, ask yourself how long will my baby be able to use this? If the answer is only a month or two, it’s probably not a necessity especially if it is expensive. Try to target items that your baby can use throughout at least the first year of their life. Items such as strollers, car seats, and high chairs are all examples of baby gear that can be enjoyed throughout several phases of your child’s first one to three years if picked out intentionally. 

4. Wait until you know what your baby likes

Creating a minimalist baby registry is all about patience. There is no need to buy one hundred different baby gadgets if your baby will hate them all. Some babies will sleep in their crib right away, some will only sleep while being rocked, and some will only sleep in a baby carrier. My advice? Try things out first. See what your newborn likes and dislikes, and then purchase one of those, rather than having several unused items around your house. 

5. Storage

For larger baby items, consider if they can be easily stored. If you live in an apartment in the city, you will want to find items that will quickly fold up for your minimalist baby registry. You also want to think about how much storage you have in your home. If your baby is not big enough for items you receive from your registry, will you have the room to store them?  

tips for building minimalist baby registry

What is your must have baby essential? Please share ideas below! 
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