
3 Simple Ways To Think About Gut Health In The New Year

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Now that I’m a mom, I’m a lot more knowledgeable about health and wellness. I also know that healthy gut is imperative to our overall well-being. In fact, the last time I visited the doctor for a well-being check up, he recommended I begin taking daily probiotics. 

3 Simple Ways To Think About Gut Health

3 Simple Ways To Think About Gut Health In The New Year

As we kick off another year, I’m committed to not only exercise more and eat healthier, but to make simple lifestyle changes for my gut health. I’ve been taking probiotics daily (keep reading to learn more about my favorites – Digestive Advantage) because I know that probiotics can assist with common digestive problems like occasional gas or bloating.

Here are three simple ways to think about your gut health in the new year.

bowls with cereals and probiotic gummies

1. Eat a fiber rich diet

Regularly eat a fiber rich diet. Think fruits and vegetables as well as fiber rich legumes like beans and edamame. Fermented foods are also high in probiotics and I regularly eat kimchi and soybean paste (miso) at home when cooking Korean food.

Other high-fiber foods include raspberries, artichokes, green peas, broccoli, chickpeas, lentils and whole grains.

2. Take daily probiotics the easy way

There are many different ways to get your daily dose of probiotics.

Digestive Advantage gummies

Since doctor’s orders, I tried several different probiotic brands to see which suits my body and lifestyle best. My current favorite is Digestive Advantage because it makes probiotic consumption easy and fast. Some brands have billions of probiotics, but many don’t survive in stomach acid. The survivability of Digestive Advantage probiotics is similar to 8 yogurts and 10 bowls of cereal and has a natural protein shell that survives stomach acid 100 times better than leading probiotics and yogurt.

In fact, two gummies survive better than 10+ bowls of the leading brand of cereal, based on probiotic survivability testing vs. leading cereal brands.

I don’t mind taking the pill form, but I must say the probiotic gummies are tasty!

Digestive Advantage probiotic gummies

3. Live a healthy lifestyle

Live a healthy lifestyle

My daily lifestyle is just as important as what I put inside my body. Therefore, I try to squeeze in regular exercise and enough sleep into my life no matter how busy I am. Other healthy habits include drinking enough water, staying active, reducing sugar intake and managing stress level.

Simple Ways To Think About Gut Health In The New Year

If you’re looking for a probiotic brand you can trust, check out Digestive Advantage. It makes consuming probiotics easy, fast and hassle-free. Make probiotics work hard for you, not the other way around.

As a busy mom and wife, I finally understand that my health is my most valuable asset and gift to my family. I want to live a long and healthy life and be around for my kids as long as I can. I hope you join me in taking this simple, actionable step to a healthier gut in the new year by adding Digestive Advantage to your daily routine!

You can find more information about Digestive Advantage by visiting their website and Facebook.

This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

3 Simple Ways To Think About Gut Health

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10 thoughts on “3 Simple Ways To Think About Gut Health In The New Year

  1. my doctor also recommended starting a probiotic right after i had my little babe because through breastfeeding it would benefit him too. I’ve been taking it for about a year now and do notice positive changes in my gut health. I didn’t consider the survivabiliy of the them though, good point! not all probiotics are equal.

  2. That’s an awesome way to get your probiotics in. Way better if you can’t eat yogurt or have too much fiber (Crohn’s Disease).

  3. These tips are so important! I have struggled with poor gut health in the past and it really sucks! Now that I’m back on track, life simply is better! 🙂

  4. I take probiotics regularly but i didn’t know there was a gummy form. I’m definitely interested in trying these out!

  5. Love these simple Tips. And thank you for the probiotic Gummy recommendation. there ARE JUST SO MANY PRODUCTS ON THE MARKET SO HARD TO KNOW WHAT TO TRY.

  6. This is a great read! MY boyfriend and I are reshaping a lot in our diets and I will be utilizing this post in the coming days!!

  7. These are great tips for having a healthy gut. DIet is so important. Thy say that so many diseases and illnesses can be prevented from good gUt health.

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