
Finding Joy In The Little Things: Holidays With Carters

I can’t believe Thanksgiving is right around the corner. How are you feeling? Did this year go lightning fast for you as it did for me?

As a busy mom of three, I have to start planning early or I lose myself in all the last minute details. I start thinking about Halloween in September and Christmas in November, as this is the only way I can get things done while juggling work and daily homemaking and motherhood duties.  When I talk to other multitasking moms of multiple kids, this seems to be a common practice that keeps our mental load more manageable. And it allows more room for those unpredictable and chaotic days when the biggest achievement of the day is simply getting the kids fed. You mamas know what kind of days I’m talking about. 😉

This is why I already began shopping for the holidays at Carter’s. Currently you can find amazing deals on all their holiday clothing and even join the Pajama Program that allows you to donate a pair of new pajamas or make monetary donations for children who don’t have clean pajamas to wear. In return, Carter’s will match up to 100,000 pajamas. What a meaningful way to give back to children in need and spread the holiday spirit!

Baby D’s First Christmas 2016

Two years ago around this time, I found out I was pregnant with Baby D. In fact, I found out the day before our family Thanksgiving dinner while we were visiting my parents in Seattle. I arrived in Seattle excited to go bar hopping in downtown and returned home sick as a dog due to morning sickness. It was a blessing in disguise.

Fast forward two years I now have a beautiful little boy who completes our family. As many of you know, my motherhood journey hasn’t been a smooth road (read here and here) but I can now look back to the past ten years and be grateful for all the life lessons motherhood has taught me.

What I Learned This Year As A Mother

Even as a third time mom, I learned many new things this year. One, that we are much stronger and resilient than we give ourselves credit for. I didn’t realize how much I can love another child even after experiencing difficult first time motherhood. In fact, motherhood gets fuller and more meaningful with each child.  Now I know that through my struggles, I became much more patient, loving, understanding and empathetic– a better mother and human being overall.

Two, I learned how to find joy in the little things. I no longer look towards ideals of motherhood to keep me happy and fulfilled. Instead of striving for perfection in my home, my kids and myself, I know how to find value in the mundane, like cooking my kids one healthy dinner after feeding them mac-n-cheese for lunch. Or feeling accomplished after finishing 3 loads of laundry and sanitizing the toilet seats.


I now know how to laugh when Baby D makes a mess all over the floor with dog food and to kiss the bruises on his forehead without feeling like his bruises are an indication of my failure as a mother.


I truly understand the definition of letting go of control and just BEING and LOVING.

This doesn’t mean motherhood is no longer challenging because it certainly is. It simply means that I now know how to find joy in the little things in life, like slowly preparing for the holidays without feeling rushed or pressured. Who am I trying to please anyway except myself and my family?

This doesn’t mean motherhood is no longer challenging because it certainly is. It simply means that I now know how to find joy in the little things in life.


holidays-with-carters_0006This year I already began holiday shopping for my baby at Carter’s. I’ve been a fan of Carter’s clothing since my first daughter 12 years ago and it remains to be one of my favorite kid clothing brands. Like every year, you can find the cutest holiday outfits and holiday pajamas at Carter’s for great prices.

We’re also planning to bring Elf On A Shelf back this year for the kids. Baby D already caught a sight of him and wanted to play. I can’t wait for all the holiday festivities this year!

Also don’t miss their Black Friday deals starting from November 17th!


Don’t forget to take 20% off your purchase of $40 or more in store or online through 12/31/17 with in store code: 070716 and online code: CART4198. 

You can locate your closest Carter’s store here.

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3 thoughts on “Finding Joy In The Little Things: Holidays With Carters

  1. WHY is this baby so so so cute?! I love what you said about motherhood being fuller with each childhood – I agree with that! I’m also one who prepares for things well in advance or I end up super behind! Example – I had my girls’ Halloween costumes in August and their Christmas dresses in October!

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