
Baby’s First Year: Exploring The World With Combi + Ferrari


combi-stroller_0013I can’t believe how fast Baby D’s first year is passing– he is almost 11 months old and so mobile! I never knew how much more active boys were compared to girls and I’m really enjoying learning new things about raising little boys. Now that my son is more alert and curious, I need fun and safe ways to keep him entertained and mobile as he begins to explore the world around him.


Today I partnered with a Japanese baby brand Combi, to introduce two exciting products that will make parenting easier and more enjoyable: the luxurious Ferrari Walker and ultralight Combi F2 Stroller.

To briefly introduce this Japanese company, Combi is a baby brand that draws inspirations from modern and sleek Japanese Design. It was founded in 1989 and is already a household name in Japan. As you will see in this post, both products are perfect for stylish babies and on-the-go parents.

Ferrari F1 Walker


Baby walkers can be used from about 6 months or when babies are able to hold up their heads steadily and touch their feet on the floor. You will know your baby is ready as he or she gains more neck and leg strength and is using gears like the Jumparoo. Baby D loved using the Jumparoo when he was younger at around 4-7 months but as he got the itch to walk and explore, we needed something more.

Once we discovered this Ferrari walker, a whole new world opened up for us as he became mobile enough to explore the house on his own and play simple games like catch and hide-and-seek with the family.


I love watching his eyes light up as we “run away” signaling to him that it’s time to catch us. And I love how he laughs and shrieks as he runs away or chases us. It’s seriously one of the cutest milestones and we are enjoying the playtime this walker allows.


This Ferrari walker is one of the coolest, high-end baby walkers I’ve seen so far. It’s well-constructed and super stylish with lots of useful functions. It’s easy to maneuver and packed with features like race car lights, sounds, horn and steering wheel.

The padded seat is comfortable for him, and he has no problem using this walker for hours as he hangs out with the rest of the family. The activity tray is removable and can be cleaned easily. While he is moving and maneuvering, he likes to hold onto the joy stick as if he is driving his own car.


Thanks to this ultra luxurious Ferrari Walker, my son is strengthening his legs, getting tons of practice to begin walking and is now able to engage in family time while being mobile rather than being stuck in his pack’ n play.

I honestly don’t know what I would do if I didn’t have this walker. Baby D gets plenty of exercise by using this and it seems like he will be ready to walk soon! If you’re in the market for a baby walker, look no further. You can find it on Combi USA’s website or here.

Combi F2 Stroller 


As a mom of three, I’m always looking for ways to maximize convenience and minimize bulk. Over the years of raising three kids, I’ve used many different types and brands of strollers. By far, this Combi F2 is one of the lightest stroller in the market at mere 8 lbs. I can lift it with one hand and it’s so tiny that it fits into the trunk of my minivan without being folded.


The Combi F2 is well-constructed for a lightweight stroller with sleek design. Due to its smaller size, the seat and basket are smaller than an average sized stroller. It’s the perfect size and weight to be used as a travel stroller or a second stroller for quick trips and errands. The portability also makes this stroller a great choice for toddlers and older kids.

The Combi F2 is a great minimalist stroller for on-the-go parents. It’s a great travel or a second stroller.


These are some notable features of the Combi f2 stroller.

  • Ultra lightweight
  • One-hand, self-standing fold
  • Breathable mesh seat
  • Reclining seat
  • Shock-absorbing frame
  • Extended canopy
  • One-touch 5-point harness
  • Convenient storage basket
  • Lockable front swivel wheels


I own a Bugaboo Chameleon which we love, but these days we’re using this Combi more due to its portability and convenience. I don’t think the Combi F2 can replace your standard sized stroller when babies are younger, but it’s more convenient and easy to use as babies get older for quick trips, errands and travel.

You can find more information about the Combi F2 here.

What do you think about the two innovative baby products? Have you tried Combi products? Which is your favorite walker and stroller? Join the conversation below!

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6 thoughts on “Baby’s First Year: Exploring The World With Combi + Ferrari

  1. OMG, I love that walker so incredibly cute! Red is such a great color for babies too, so stimulating. I really like the stroller too, a little out of my price range for a second stroller, but it looks great!
    xo, Nicole

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